Un líder de un equipo comercial, un departamento internacional de 'Business Development', o un proyecto o programa en cualquier sector, posee varias habilidades para interactuar de manera efectiva y positiva con su equipo y lograr un objetivo compartido. En algunos casos, estas habilidades surgen de forma natural, mientras que en otros se aprenden a través de la experiencia y la formación / capacitación progresiva. Muchos gestores de talento actualmente buscan estas habilidades en los/as candidatos/as que contratan para puestos directivos. Aunque las habilidades de liderazgo son valiosas para cualquier función; especialmente si se tiene un equipo que coordinar.
¿Cuáles son las principales habilidades de un líder de equipo?
Los miembros de un equipo dependen de un líder estratégico con quien se encuentren cómodos trabajando y que pueda guiarlos hacia el éxito. Esta persona siente pasión por su trabajo, confía en lo que sabe e inspira confianza y respeto en su equipo. Lo cual, en última instancia, puede elevar la moral. Estas son algunas cualidades importantes de un buen líder de equipo:
1. Comunicación.
Un Team Leader debe comunicar de forma clara y concisa objetivos, tareas y otras necesidades organizativas a su equipo. Los líderes deben ser maestros en la comunicación verbal y escrita para garantizar que las expectativas se presenten a cada miembro de su equipo de una manera coherente. Ser un comunicador eficaz también implica escuchar atentamente, hablar con claridad, comprender el lenguaje corporal y ser consciente del tono en cada contexto.
2. Honestidad.
Para liderar eficazmente, un líder debe poder ganarse la confianza de su equipo. Los grandes líderes se ganan el respeto de su equipo siendo francos. Incluso si a los miembros de su equipo no les gusta lo que un líder tiene que compartir, probablemente apreciarán a alguien dispuesto a decirles la verdad.
3. Construyendo relaciones.
Los líderes eficaces estructuran un equipo sólido fomentando la colaboración y facilitando relaciones laborales saludables entre los miembros. Cuando los miembros del equipo confían entre sí, trabajan mejor juntos y aumentan la productividad.
4. Decisión.
Los líderes tienen que tomar decisiones cruciales, a veces con limitaciones de tiempo. En lugar de confiar en conjeturas, sopesan y comprenden sus opciones. Tienen confianza en las decisiones que toman y pueden comunicar los motivos por los cuales tomaron una decisión concreta.
Los miembros de un equipo dependen de un líder estratégico con quien se encuentren cómodos trabajando y que pueda guiarlos hacia el éxito. Esta persona siente pasión por su trabajo, confía en lo que sabe e inspira confianza y respeto en su equipo. Lo cual, en última instancia, puede elevar la moral. Estas son algunas cualidades importantes de un buen líder de equipo:
1. Comunicación.
Un Team Leader debe comunicar de forma clara y concisa objetivos, tareas y otras necesidades organizativas a su equipo. Los líderes deben ser maestros en la comunicación verbal y escrita para garantizar que las expectativas se presenten a cada miembro de su equipo de una manera coherente. Ser un comunicador eficaz también implica escuchar atentamente, hablar con claridad, comprender el lenguaje corporal y ser consciente del tono en cada contexto.
2. Honestidad.
Para liderar eficazmente, un líder debe poder ganarse la confianza de su equipo. Los grandes líderes se ganan el respeto de su equipo siendo francos. Incluso si a los miembros de su equipo no les gusta lo que un líder tiene que compartir, probablemente apreciarán a alguien dispuesto a decirles la verdad.
3. Construyendo relaciones.
Los líderes eficaces estructuran un equipo sólido fomentando la colaboración y facilitando relaciones laborales saludables entre los miembros. Cuando los miembros del equipo confían entre sí, trabajan mejor juntos y aumentan la productividad.
4. Decisión.
Los líderes tienen que tomar decisiones cruciales, a veces con limitaciones de tiempo. En lugar de confiar en conjeturas, sopesan y comprenden sus opciones. Tienen confianza en las decisiones que toman y pueden comunicar los motivos por los cuales tomaron una decisión concreta.
5. Innovación.
Ser líder significa tener que encontrar formas de superar muchos de los obstáculos y riesgos que, inevitablemente, se presentan en los proyectos y/o procesos. Un buen líder adopta un enfoque innovador para la resolución de problemas, abordando estos obstáculos desde perspectivas nuevas y poco convencionales.
6. Responsabilidad.
Los miembros de un equipo tienden a respetar a un líder que asumirá la responsabilidad, tanto del éxito como de los errores de su equipo. Un buen líder demuestra responsabilidad, reconoce cuando se han cometido errores y luego encuentra soluciones para mejorar. Monitorizando riesgos y lecciones aprendidas.
7. Motivación.
Un líder destacable debe motivar a su equipo y fomentar la productividad y la pasión por el trabajo. Esto incluye asesorar a sus miembros de forma alineada al cargo de cada uno, reconocer logros o brindar un trabajo gratificante y desafiante.
Nota: este post es aplicable a todos los géneros, aunque se trate el masculino para simplificar.
Ser líder significa tener que encontrar formas de superar muchos de los obstáculos y riesgos que, inevitablemente, se presentan en los proyectos y/o procesos. Un buen líder adopta un enfoque innovador para la resolución de problemas, abordando estos obstáculos desde perspectivas nuevas y poco convencionales.
6. Responsabilidad.
Los miembros de un equipo tienden a respetar a un líder que asumirá la responsabilidad, tanto del éxito como de los errores de su equipo. Un buen líder demuestra responsabilidad, reconoce cuando se han cometido errores y luego encuentra soluciones para mejorar. Monitorizando riesgos y lecciones aprendidas.
7. Motivación.
Un líder destacable debe motivar a su equipo y fomentar la productividad y la pasión por el trabajo. Esto incluye asesorar a sus miembros de forma alineada al cargo de cada uno, reconocer logros o brindar un trabajo gratificante y desafiante.
Nota: este post es aplicable a todos los géneros, aunque se trate el masculino para simplificar.
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#Team Management #Gestión de Equipo International Business Development #Gestión de Equipo Comercial
Posted by Christopher Oscar de Andrés, on Wednesday, September 6th 2023 at 17:30
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The geopolitical scenario and global business world is changing so rapidly that the skills we so confidently showcase on our resumes may no longer be as relevant as we think.
What skills should we prioritize in an increasingly complex, fast-paced, and agile world that has been radically reshaped by COVID-19, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations, and a groundswell of demands for social justice?
We should actively manage cross-cutting issues to research, identify solutions and implement product enhancements / fixes while being up for an interesting challenge, so below it is a list of the top 10 skills, both ‘hard skills’ and ‘power skills’, also known as ‘soft skills’, that project professionals probably need to cultivate in the third decade of the 21st century. Caveat: The perennial “iron triangle” – budgeting, scoping, and scheduling – are a given, so they are not on this list.
1. Communication
Project / Programme Managers, External Affairs, and International Business Development professionals today are answerable to a wider range of internal and external stakeholders than ever before. This is particularly true on ESG initiatives or on projects where ESG considerations are a factor. Project leaders need strong multilingual written and verbal communication skills to effectively engage stakeholders and the political acumen to navigate a wide range of disparate and often conflicting interests.
2. Leadership
The old saying that “leaders are born, not made” simply is a fallacy. It is now clear that leadership skills can be learned and are essential for successful Project / Programme Management. And leadership is more than the ability to run meetings and generate good leads. Authentic leadership requires self-awareness, humility, empathy, and the ability to rally your team around a vision and a purpose.
3. Risk Management
Like everything else these days, risk management is changing. It is no longer just about weighing immediate project-related risks but assessing potential hazards in the broader enterprise and in society as a whole – think of the Pandemic process. A lot has been said about how we live in a VUCA world – full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Risk Management methodologies provide project leaders new tools for not only identifying and evaluating risks, but for mitigating and managing them.
4. Visualization (WPS methodology)
Did you know that 80 percent of our brain is dedicated to visualization? It is hardly surprising then that visualization is such a powerful tool for problem-solving. In fact, visualization is at the heart of the Wicked Problem Solving (WPS) methodology. In a world of growing complexity, visualization makes it easier to express and clarify ideas, organize information, and collaborate and communicate.
5. Data literacy
Data powers business these days. It underpins nearly all major decisions and is increasingly our most important asset. Project /Programme professionals must have at least a basic understanding of how to access and manipulate data. Even more important, they must be able to extract meaningful insights from data and communicate those insights confidently.
6. Intellectual curiosity
This may be a more surprising one because we do not always think about it as a skill that can be learned. But in a professional framework as fast-paced as ours, intellectual curiosity is a must-have. We not only need the ability to adapt, but the desire to understand how the cross-cutting teams we should be working with are in continuous change. ‘Millennials’ and ‘Gen Zers’ understand this intuitively. They have grown up in a world of rapid and constant technological change and exemplify what it means to be lifelong learners.
7. Crisis Management (seasoned with stress)
I understand of Crisis Management as a two-tier skill: we need to practice it in our own lives and project leaders need to foster it amongst their teams – especially in the wake of COVID-19, which added significantly to worker stress levels. The key is to learn how to de-stress while approaching a crisis management scenario, whether that is through a physical workout, meditation, or just downtime with family.
8. Objectivity
To see the world as others see it is perhaps the most difficult skill of all to master. Project leaders and other professionals must be open and receptive to feedback and especially diligent in gathering and understanding different points of view. Only then can we begin to form a more objective view of our work and how it will affect a diverse set of project / business stakeholders.
9. Flexibility and Adaptability
We knew its importance before, and COVID-19 reinforced it. We need to maintain this same nimbleness of mind and ability to pivot in our day-to-day world. A willingness to embrace new technologies, new methodologies and new ways of working will always leverage a strategic proposal to materialize into a successful project.
10. Corporate and IT transformation
I should end on a very specific skill, but one that I think is emblematic of the kind of change we will see and skills we are progressively. The citizen development movement – the ability of non-IT-professionals to use ‘low-code/no-code’ tools to develop apps and software to solve everyday problems – is a democratizing force in our world. It is empowering not just project professionals, but professionals of all kinds to accelerate change, drive business results and make their lives just a little bit easier. It does create challenges, of course, and the companies and organizations that are adopting this form of “hyper-agility” need to be ready for an enterprise-wide cultural transformation.
Project / Programme Managers, External Affairs, and International Business Development professionals today are answerable to a wider range of internal and external stakeholders than ever before. This is particularly true on ESG initiatives or on projects where ESG considerations are a factor. Project leaders need strong multilingual written and verbal communication skills to effectively engage stakeholders and the political acumen to navigate a wide range of disparate and often conflicting interests.
2. Leadership
The old saying that “leaders are born, not made” simply is a fallacy. It is now clear that leadership skills can be learned and are essential for successful Project / Programme Management. And leadership is more than the ability to run meetings and generate good leads. Authentic leadership requires self-awareness, humility, empathy, and the ability to rally your team around a vision and a purpose.
3. Risk Management
Like everything else these days, risk management is changing. It is no longer just about weighing immediate project-related risks but assessing potential hazards in the broader enterprise and in society as a whole – think of the Pandemic process. A lot has been said about how we live in a VUCA world – full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Risk Management methodologies provide project leaders new tools for not only identifying and evaluating risks, but for mitigating and managing them.
4. Visualization (WPS methodology)
Did you know that 80 percent of our brain is dedicated to visualization? It is hardly surprising then that visualization is such a powerful tool for problem-solving. In fact, visualization is at the heart of the Wicked Problem Solving (WPS) methodology. In a world of growing complexity, visualization makes it easier to express and clarify ideas, organize information, and collaborate and communicate.
5. Data literacy
Data powers business these days. It underpins nearly all major decisions and is increasingly our most important asset. Project /Programme professionals must have at least a basic understanding of how to access and manipulate data. Even more important, they must be able to extract meaningful insights from data and communicate those insights confidently.
6. Intellectual curiosity
This may be a more surprising one because we do not always think about it as a skill that can be learned. But in a professional framework as fast-paced as ours, intellectual curiosity is a must-have. We not only need the ability to adapt, but the desire to understand how the cross-cutting teams we should be working with are in continuous change. ‘Millennials’ and ‘Gen Zers’ understand this intuitively. They have grown up in a world of rapid and constant technological change and exemplify what it means to be lifelong learners.
7. Crisis Management (seasoned with stress)
I understand of Crisis Management as a two-tier skill: we need to practice it in our own lives and project leaders need to foster it amongst their teams – especially in the wake of COVID-19, which added significantly to worker stress levels. The key is to learn how to de-stress while approaching a crisis management scenario, whether that is through a physical workout, meditation, or just downtime with family.
8. Objectivity
To see the world as others see it is perhaps the most difficult skill of all to master. Project leaders and other professionals must be open and receptive to feedback and especially diligent in gathering and understanding different points of view. Only then can we begin to form a more objective view of our work and how it will affect a diverse set of project / business stakeholders.
9. Flexibility and Adaptability
We knew its importance before, and COVID-19 reinforced it. We need to maintain this same nimbleness of mind and ability to pivot in our day-to-day world. A willingness to embrace new technologies, new methodologies and new ways of working will always leverage a strategic proposal to materialize into a successful project.
10. Corporate and IT transformation
I should end on a very specific skill, but one that I think is emblematic of the kind of change we will see and skills we are progressively. The citizen development movement – the ability of non-IT-professionals to use ‘low-code/no-code’ tools to develop apps and software to solve everyday problems – is a democratizing force in our world. It is empowering not just project professionals, but professionals of all kinds to accelerate change, drive business results and make their lives just a little bit easier. It does create challenges, of course, and the companies and organizations that are adopting this form of “hyper-agility” need to be ready for an enterprise-wide cultural transformation.
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